A beautiful meditative practice from Chameli Ardagh at Awakening Women
Valentine’s EarthLove Recording
Rest in Earth’s Embrace

Connect with the earth underneath your body,
she is right here supporting you always.
Allow your awareness to grow roots deep down into the earth.
Feel this vast, peaceful quality underneath you: Solid love. Care. Nourishment.
Now imagine a point inside the earth,
below your body.
Let yourself be breathed from this point inside the earth,
from this immense depth of knowing.
Breathe in and up into the body; the qualities of the earth.
Breathe out and down; resting into Her embrace.
~Chameli Devi Ardagh
Awakening Women
Come Home to Yourself
This meditative exercise helps you reconnect with the little bit of earth that holds you throughout this life. Settle back, relax and come home to your sacred and beautiful body.
Full Moon Peace
Tonight, the big, beautiful full moon in airy Gemini reflects the good and bad of our world back to us. November has been a tumultuous month filled with horrendous acts of terror, pain and hateful rhetoric.
Here at Sacred Earth Institute, we believe that now is the time for each of us to find peace within and share it with the world. Do you wish for peace, crave peace? Then focus on inner peace.
Peace in the World, Peace Within
This audio guides you through a simple practice to cultivate peace in your part of the world:
Dreaming with the Moon Replay
Elemental Universe
Everything in our known Universe is created from elemental earth, water, air and fire. Everything including you. Try the simple practices listed below to connect with each element and understand yourself and our Earth more deeply.
Earth: go outside and sit or lie on the earth. Feel how stable and solid it is. Soak up that stability. Notice how the dirt and stones of our Earth give your body something structured to lean into for support. Feel into that structure and stability, notice how it holds you. Breathe deeply in and out. Thank the dirt and stones of our earth for providing a stable structured container for your life.
Turn your attention inward. Breathe and focus on the the hard bony parts of your body for a moment or two. Feel into the way your bones provide the internal structure and stability that makes it possible for a watery creature like you to stand up and walk around. Without bones, you would slide across the ground like a slug, bound closely to the earth. Breathe in and thank your bones for providing structure and stability to your body.
Water: take a bath or shower and feel the sensations of the water on your skin. Feel the soft, yielding, fluid qualities of water as it flows over your body. Notice how different water feels from earth. Breathe and imagine those fluid qualities permeating every inch of you, making you soft, yielding, flowing.
Breathe and focus on the pulsating flow of blood within your body. Imagine the ebb and flow of fluids entering and leaving each organ, each tissue. Allow the soft flow of water to permeate every corner of your being. Then imagine that you can radiate these soft, flowing qualities out into the world; radiating flow to those you love and to those you have conflict with. Then radiate those flowing qualities back to the waters of the earth, bringing the gift of elemental water full circle.
Fire: sit in the sun or in front of a burning fire; feel the heat on your skin. Relax and draw the heat of fire into the depths of your body; bask in the glow of fire within. Breathe in the warmth and imagine that you can direct elemental fire to wherever more warmth or spark or action is needed.
Breathe in and draw more fire into your heart, then radiate the warmth of fire and your inner radiance out into your world. Breathe in and out, drawing fire in and then radiating it out again and again and again.
Air: go outside and stand or sit where the wind can find you. Breathe in the winds of nature and focus on elemental air permeating every tissue, bringing oxygen to every cell of your body. Breathe in air and exhale with an ‘ahh’ or ‘ohh’ sound. Allow the wind of your breath to cleanse and clear your mind, blowing through and carrying away negative or worrisome thoughts.
Breathe in and allow the wind of your breath to blow down your spine and out the tips of your fingers and toes. With each exhale, send love and gratitude out into the world for the gifts of elemental air.
A fifth element lies beyond the 4 elements which create the physical foundation for our Universe. This is the mysterious element of Space or Akash. This is where the magical spark of life emanates from in the first place. And this is where the energy of Soul resides. Below is a simple way to connect to Space.
Space: go outside and find a spot with an unobstructed view of sky. Gaze at the sky; breathe in its open clarity and expansiveness. Breathe in open sky and imagine yourself dissolving into sky with every out breath.
Breathe in sky and dissolve into open spaciousness again and again. Imagine you can be nothing but breath and space. Allow tensions to dissolve and flow out of your body with each breath. Allow thoughts and emotions to dissolve into spaciousness. Make more space for positive feelings, thoughts and experiences to flow into you.
Meditate with Mother Earth
Use this Guided Meditation to relax and open to the heart of Mother Earth.