Why EarthLove?
A letter from our Founder, July 2015
I spent the morning in the woods. Is there any place more magical than a sunlit Aspen grove?
I had come to the woods to perform a small ritual in honor of my Earth tending work. I was greeted by a hummingbird as I embarked on my mission. The tiny hummer stopped feeding on wildflowers and buzzed all around me, dipping and hovering right in front of my face again and again. A one bird welcoming committee – what could be more auspicious?
I have always loved the woods. And the prairie. And the sea. The wild places of Earth hold magic and joy for me. Nature was my first teacher. And even though I have studied with a lot of amazing people, Nature continues to be my favorite teacher. The time I spend out in Nature feeds my Soul. And what I learn from the Soul of Nature informs my writing, my teaching, my parenting… my entire view of this world.
My relationship with Mama Earth is my touchstone, it anchors my entire life. And that love is why I do the work I do. In this small way, I can help and honor Mama Earth and Papa Sky.
Times passes so quickly. It has been almost 50 years since I first splashed in the creek and danced with the old oaks near my childhood home. It feels like it’s time to share what I have learned from all my wanderings in the wild places.
When Nature is in a balanced state, earth, water and sky overflow with abundant, joyful, Soulful energies. But over the past 50 years, I have watched the state of Mama Earth degrade at an alarming rate. And I now believe that if we wish for our grandchildren to survive and thrive on Planet Earth, we must re-learn how to love and honor this planet.
Living in sacred partnership with this planet is our natural state of being. The Soul of Nature is calling us home. We need only to reconnect and remember. Now is the time to dream a new Earth into being and we are the ones who must do it.
Nancy Lankston

Who is Nancy Lankston?
Nancy is a tree-hugging artist, and shamanic healer. She lives in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and looks for any excuse to hang out with Mama Earth.
Nancy’s shamanic work grew out of a series of dreams she had over a decade ago. In several of the dreams, Mama Earth sang to her. Those strange dream melodies haunted her until she decided to stop and truly listen to their message. And out of those songs, the inspiration for EarthLove was born.
You can explore Nancy’s blog, books and credentials at: nancylankston.com