Vernal Equinox – Happy Spring!
Here’s a short guided practice to help you connect with Mama Earth and celebrate spring. This was originally recorded by Nancy Lankston in 2020.
Dirt Prayer
Hold on to what is good, Even if it’s a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, Even if it’s a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do, Even if it’s a long way from here. Hold on to your life, Even if it’s easier to let go. Hold on to my hand, Even if I’ve gone away from you.
Pueblo Indian Prayer
Photo by Kyle Ellefson on Unsplash
From These Roots
‘I touch and surrender myself to the earth;
I become one with my true nature,
allowing it to emerge.
From these roots
I shall grow.’
~ Julie Timms
Image: Soil, Root and Fern
by Nancy Lankston
Finding My Soul
Gratitude and Grounding Practice for Spring Equinox
Spring has arrived in the northern hemisphere! Today is the vernal equinox, the official start of spring. The equinox is a point of balance in the seasonal cycle. Day and night are roughly equal in length at this time of year.
In these times of chaos and uncertainty, it is easy to lose your balance and become ungrounded, anxious and afraid. A connection to Mother Nature will help restore balance and calm. This audio guides you through a simple practice to ground to Mama Earth, anchor in, de-stress and notice the many joys of spring.
Offered with many blessings for you and all you love.
We are SAFE.
We are HELD.
We are LOVED by Mama Earth.
Growing Green
Our Foundation
We think of ourselves as ‘in’ landscape, but sometimes we forget that landscape is also in us. We are formed by the ground we walk on: that which lies beneath our feet, that which holds us, supports us, feeds us. Ground is where we stand, the foundation for our lives. Whether it is hard and cold or warm and soft, ground is the foundation of our being in this world.
Ground is the safe place at the heart of us; we ‘go to ground’ when we are trying to hide or escape from something which is hunting us. We ‘hold our ground’ when we stand firm against something which challenges or threatens us. We ‘have an ear to the ground’ when we are properly paying attention to what is going on around us. To ‘keep our feet on the ground’ is to be realistic, not to get too big for our boots. Without ground, we are nothing.
Be Like a Tree
Be like a tree.
Stay grounded. Connect with your roots.
Turn over a new leaf. Bend before you break.
Enjoy your unique beauty. Keep growing.
~ Joanne Raptis
🌲 ❤️