Audio Recording: Every Day Is Earth Day
Take a shamanic journey into the heart of Mama Earth. Connect and listen to our Mother. What does she wish to share with us this month? How can we honor and assist her?
Recorded on 04/24/24
Take a shamanic journey into the heart of Mama Earth. Connect and listen to our Mother. What does she wish to share with us this month? How can we honor and assist her?
Recorded on 04/24/24
Mountain waters are beginning to thaw and flow freely. Spring is on its way.
Let’s gather together and journey to the waters and ask what we can do to help them to clear and heal. How can we help our beautiful, watery planet to restore balance?
Water is Life. Let’s connect and help water in any way we can.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 7526 4448
Passcode: 326434
Take a guided shamanic journey to connect with the elements and elementals, and ask what you can do to help this beautiful planet heal and restore balance. How can you help Mama Earth and all her creatures to survive and thrive?
Recorded on February 7th, 2024 under a crescent Capricorn moon.
Here is the audio recording of the January 11, 2024 event:
In these times of rapid change and chaos, it’s more important than ever to connect with Mama Earth and help in any way we can.
Take a journey to Mama Earth. Ask how you can help her and all her creatures. What can you personally do to help this beautiful planet heal and restore balance?
This was a FREE Dreaming Wild event hosted by Nancy Lankston on Zoom.
Join EarthLove founder NancyL on September 14th to dream WILD.
Gather beneath the new moon
A simple circle of dreamers
The drumbeat sounds
And off we go…
Let’s gather together and call on our spirit helpers, the elements and elementals, Virgo sun and moon, and the wild Soul of Nature. Perhaps an ancient Goddess or two will join us as well.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 2913 2676
Passcode: 955116
This event is free.
Art by Henri Rousseau
Share the post “Wild Dream Circle on September 14th”
An audio recording of the July 27th
Shamanism Without Borders Earth Tending is now available:
Link to Tending Our Earth During Climate Change
Shamanism Without Borders is a Global Response Network of the Society for Shamanic Practice.