What our World needs NOW.
What our World needs NOW.
Love your Mama.
Together, we will transform the world.
The lesson which life constantly repeats is to ‘look under your feet.’
You are always nearer to the divine and the true sources of your power than you think.
The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive.
The great opportunity is where you are.
Do not despise your own place and hour.
Every place is under the stars.
Every place is the center of the world.’
~John Burroughs
“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between
self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first
getting enlightened or saved and then acting.
As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.”
~Robin Wall Kimmerer
Love your Mama.
Love her up every day.
“See, we are power.
They deal in violence and repression,
we are power.
We are a part of the natural world.
All of the things in the natural world
are a natural part of the creation
and feed off the energy of our sacred mother, Earth.
We are power.
But they have separated us
from our spiritual connection to the Earth,
so people feel powerless.
We look at the oppressor and we look at the enemy
because they have the most guns
and the most lies and the most money.
People start to feel powerless.
We are power, we are a natural part of the creation,
we were put here on the sacred mother Earth to serve a purpose.
And somewhere in the history of people
we’re forgetting what the purpose is.
The purpose is to honor the earth,
the purpose is to protect the earth,
the purpose is to live in balance with the earth,
the earth is our mother.
And we will never free ourselves as human people,
we will never free ourselves as sexual people,
we will never free ourselves
until we address the issue of how we live
in balance with the Earth.
Because all our resistance and all of our struggle is hollow,
it’s false, it’s another one of the oppressor’s hypocrisies.
If we do not look out for the welfare of the Earth first,
because I don’t care who it is,
any child who turns on their mother
is living in a terrible, terrible confusion.
The Earth is our mother, we must take care of the Earth.”
~John Trudell
‘The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind. It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane. And these qualities have little to do with success as we have defined it.’
~ David W. Orr
Image: Tree and Stone
by Nancy L
“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.”
~Joseph Campbell
All rivers flow in spirals. I was shocked when I learned this fact, and yet it instantly felt true to me. The reason for the spiraling motion has to do with the resistance to flow at the edges of the river where water meets solid land. Without resistance at its edges, the river would simply flow in a straight line down the “tube” defined by the riverbanks. Instead, the water continuously rolls and spirals over itself, changing in speed and direction depending on how close to the riverbank it finds itself.
The spiral, rolling movement is what makes every river meander from side to side like a snake writhing on the ground. Natural rivers always meander, cutting into one bank and shifting their direction back and forth over time. Only waterways altered by man flow in straight lines – and then only for a little while. Water continues to spiral even in manmade waterways; it continuously fights against the linear path laid out for it.
There are no straight lines in nature. Human bones also grow in spirals, as do tree limbs unfurling out from the trunk. Why? Because tissue is primarily fluid at its growing edge. This is the water planet. All natural growth is fluid — flowing, spiraling fluid.
Break the rule of the spiral and you end up with the mess of hideous canals and failing dykes that now fight against the spiral will of the mighty Mississippi River. Even today, the waters of the river fight to flow and meander their way to the Gulf of Mexico. It is their nature.
What does it say about humans when we keep trying to straighten a river’s flow? What does it say about us when we fight against the innate nature of the river?
Can we learn to listen to the spiraling waters? Can we become more fluid ourselves and stop forcing the waters into a straightened path? Can we relax and flow again? What might we learn if we watched and listened to the wisdom of the river?
~Nancy Lankston