We now enter what the ancient Celts called the light half of the year.
Time to honor and celebrate the light.
Photo by Nancy Lankston
We now enter what the ancient Celts called the light half of the year.
Time to honor and celebrate the light.
Photo by Nancy Lankston
Beltane Blessings to you on this beautiful spring day.
My Celtic ancestors celebrated Beltane in early May with bonfires, dancing, maypoles and plentiful food and drink. Ritual sex was also part of the celebrations.
The Celts were honoring the sacred union of the masculine and feminine which creates new life. The merging of masculine and feminine energies allows something new to magically be born.
This Beltane, make time to celebrate life.
Image: Spring Green
by Nancy Lankston
May Day (Beltane) is upon us.
Dance, sing, feast and celebrate the abundant gifts of spring and early summer.
Artist Unknown
Beltane Blessing to you on this beautiful spring day. ❤️
The Celtic tribes celebrated Beltane with bonfires, dancing, maypoles and ritual sex as well as plentiful food and drink. They celebrated in honor of the sacred union of the masculine and feminine – a union which can occur either with a partner or within one’s self.
The merging of masculine and feminine energies allows something new to be born. Sacred union is natural magic.
This Beltane, make time to celebrate and DANCE!
Life bursts forth
Flowing all around
Tiny green buds
First flowers of spring
Magical new Life.
Ancient dance
Fertile dance
Yin & Yang unite
Life blooms
With natural joy.
May Day, or Beltane, is the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. This date marked the beginning of summer for the ancient Celts. It was a day of dance and song – a celebration in gratitude for fertile fields sprouting with new life.
Blessings to our beautiful Earth on this magical Beltane cross-quarter day. So grateful for our original Mama, the planet who birthed us all.
🌍 ❤️
Today is Beltane in the northern hemisphere. Celebrate the dance of Life!
All around us, yin and yang, male and female dance and merge to create the new life that is springing forth all around us.
May 1st
We honor the fertility and magic of Nature
on this day the Celts called Beltane.
Even with snow on the ground here in the Rockies,
the flowers are in bloom!
“Beltane is so much about the urge to connect, to blend and merge;
to feel a part of something extraordinary; to at once lose one’s sense of self in that merging
but also to paradoxically feel more absolutely and truly oneself because of it.
In the desire to penetrate life’s mysteries, we need also to open ourselves to them,
surrendering to the power of love that it may have the opportunity to transform us.
Great things are born in us at such moments of union;
this place of merging is where the tap root of our creativity feeds,
without it we feel dry and disconnected.
If that magical, alchemical moment of connection and merging were a colour,
I suspect it might be perceived as many beautiful, vibrant shades but its foundation,
I feel sure, would be the green of spring: ecstatically joyful –
the irrepressible life and desire that leads us to love.”
~ Maria Ede-Weaving