An audio recording of the July 27th
Shamanism Without Borders Earth Tending is now available:
Link to Tending Our Earth During Climate Change
Shamanism Without Borders is a Global Response Network of the Society for Shamanic Practice.
An audio recording of the July 27th
Shamanism Without Borders Earth Tending is now available:
Link to Tending Our Earth During Climate Change
Shamanism Without Borders is a Global Response Network of the Society for Shamanic Practice.
The universe is composed of subjects to be communed with, not objects to be exploited. Everything has its own voice. Thunder and lightening and stars and planets, flowers, birds, animals, trees, – all these have voices, and they constitute a community of existence that is profoundly related.
~Thomas Berry
Image: Artist unknown
“Knowing that you love the earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the earth loves you in return, that feeling transforms the relationship from a one-way street into a sacred bond.”
~Robin Wall Kimmerer,
Braiding Sweetgrass
NASA Image of Mama Earth
taken by Apollo 11
A One-Day Virtual Immersion Event with Shamanism Without Borders Community Leaders!
This year’s theme of Tending to the Animals is so close to all of our hearts and we look forward to sharing this in community. Join our Shamanism Without Borders Community Leaders as they guide you through a day of tending to our animal allies, guides, companions and friends.
What shamanic tools can we use to support our animal friends? How can we help them? What techniques can we use to heal them? What kind of support do they need from us? How can we connect more fully with our animal allies? How do we honor the sacred relationship that we humans have with animal beings of all kinds on Earth?
Join Shamanism Without Borders in this One-Day Virtual Immersion Event to explore these questions and how shamanic practices and principles can be applied to creating a better world for the benefit of all beings and our Mother Earth.
It comes like a faraway whisper on the wind; so faint that you may not notice it the first few times. But then, maybe the five or sixth or tenth time, something new registers in your awareness. She’s calling to you. Mother Earth is trying to connect and communicate.
That is my experience of listening to the land; I spent weeks sitting and trying so hard, my mind positively pushing to hear Her. And hearing nothing. But then, one day when I wasn’t trying and striving, there She was, like a whisper on the wind.
Had Mother Earth been talking to me all those weeks and I simply couldn’t hear Her? Probably. We modern humans have become so attuned to loud, regular man-made sounds. But Nature isn’t loud or regular. Earth’s voice is quiet and subtle; more like a fragment of a poem than a linear, logical sentence. And it is a poem written in the breeze, the pulse of stone and the meandering flow of river water.
I suspect that our ancestors who used no clock except the sun, and who lived with Her dirt constantly beneath their feet were much more attuned to Her rhythms and voice than we are today. Living in cities and traveling in fast cars, trains and planes is not exactly conducive to hearing the subtle voice of Nature.
But Mother Earth is still there beneath us, every single day. She is living and breathing and trying to connect with us. We came from Mother Earth; She is our original mother. We are supposed to be connected to her!
Mama Earth is longing to connect with us again. She has billions of years of wisdom to share with us. We simply need to learn how to listen again.
Close your eyes, right where you are. Breathe deeply. Feel the seat beneath you. And breathe some more.
Extend your awareness down beneath your feet and your seat. No need to puzzle or push to do this. Your animal body is wired for this, to connect with Mama Earth. Simply ask your animal body to extend its awareness down into the dirt and stones beneath you.
Extend your awareness deep; 10 feet, 50 feet, 200 feet, 1000. Drop your awareness down below the surface where humans have been mucking about. Drop deeper. Go down into the pristine soil and rock of Earth.
Listen with your entire body. What do you feel in your your toes? Your head? Your skin? Smell anything? What do you hear? What thoughts or images pop into your head? What emotions come up?
Don’t push for logical answers. Don’t push for any answer. Just ask what She wants to share with you today and then listen.
It may be completely confusing and unclear the first twenty times that you try to sit and listen to Mama Earth. It’s OK. That’s normal. It takes time to recalibrate your senses and connect.
Be patient with yourself. Building relationships takes time and commitment. Deep friendships aren’t formed overnight. Keep sitting with Her and listening. Eventually you will hear Her.
Once you begin to connect and hear Mama Earth, her wisdom may take many forms. Keep in mind that She may speak in riddles and dream fragments. You may get an immediate ah ha . Or you may not realize what was “said” until hours later. Her subtle, voice may take awhile to percolate up into your consciousness. Be patient. You’re learning a foreign language. Slowly but surely you will begin to hear Mama Earth singing to you.
This practice can be used to connect with Mama Earth’s living, breathing ground beneath your feet. You can also use it to connect with an old tree or lake or boulder. Experiment and have fun.
“We have to shift our attitude of ownership of nature
to relationship with nature. The moment you change
from ownership to relationship,
you create a sense of the sacred.”
~Satish Kumar
Image: Meadows & Mountains
by Nancy L