Be That One
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring,
One smile can begin a friendship,
One hand can lift a soul,
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal,
One sunbeam can light a room,
One candle can wipe out darkness,
One laugh can conquer gloom,
One hope can raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care,
One voice can wake up everybody,
One life can make the difference.
Be that one.
-Author Unknown
🌍 ❤️
Show your LOVE for Mama Earth today.
Be that one.
Dance of Light and Dark
Tonight, a Leo new Moon and a partial eclipse of the Sun.
Sacred dance of Light and Dark in our Sky.
Moon and Sun square Jupiter in Scorpio
with 6 planets in retrograde
and yang Mars squaring wild card Uranus.
Time to reset. Tie up loose ends and clear the decks. Clear first and then set new intentions. Choose what you want to focus on going forward.
This current Earth-Sun-Moon cycle is
“a call to dig deep and be fiercely honest about
what needs to change inside so that the outside can follow.”
~Kate Rusko
“a beautiful window within which to set intentions around
a higher vibration of self-love and acceptance.”
~Cayelin Castell
More thoughts on this new moon / eclipse time.
Happy Solstice
Share Your Light
Winter Solstice Gateway
Winter solstice happens tonight in the northern hemisphere. This is the longest night of the year here in the North.
Our Sun it sitting directly on top of the Galactic Cross in our sky. The Galactic Cross marks where the plane of our solar system intersects with the plane of the Milky Way galaxy. Our Sun sits on the cross for 3 days.
This is a natural energetic gateway into the new year. Set your intentions for 2016 now!
#solstice #magic